Indiana Beagle

Growing up with Peanuts, I always thought it was awesome that Snoopy was so many different characters (WWII flying ace, world famous doctor, lawyer, etc.) that I wanted to create an illustration of my own with Snoopy as famed archeologist Indiana Beagle. Following the humorous style of Schulz, I made Charlie Brown's head the giant rolling boulder.
He's That Cool

Go Dash, Go
A fan of "The Incredibles," I felt the Incredi-kids would give me a great way to develop my art media skills in new ways. With Dash I was able to create an image that literally seems to be moving on the page.

A Touch of Violet

Indiana Jones and the Devil's Eye
An Indiana Jones enthusiast, this piece was an awesome challenge. I used three different styles of cartooning to create Indy, including one of my own, the Kim Possible (KP) style and a more realist style.

Dreams to Dream

Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow

Bedtime Pals


With this piece I completely replicated a background from the series from scratch. Personally, I like mine a little better!
Last Train to Clarksdale
Last Train to Clarksdale

For this last one I wanted to enhance my ability to do multiple frames and do more of a story element than just a single picture.
Til the End of the Night

The above characters are (C) of Paramount Studios, Universal Studios, United Featured Syndicate, Inc., and the Walt Disney Co. No financial gain is derived from their use in these artworks and are solely used for artistic expression. The exact artwork is (C) Andrew M. Scott.